Friday, July 3, 2015

The Sports Fans' Declaration of Independence

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

This is the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence, which was the document that eventually led to the United States of America becoming their own union as they declared independence from Great Britain. Tomorrow we will all celebrate the Fourth of July to commemorate our nation's birthday. While we take in the fireworks, the hot dogs, and overload on beverages, let's take a moment to reflect on what the meaning of independence is all about. It's about saying that you are ready to be your own person, to grow with a level of freedom we've never experienced before.

That stated, we as sports fans need to make a declaration as to it pertains to what we have a right to. The following are the truths that we should hold to be self-evident. Tired of your favorite team treating you as if you don't matter? Here's a declaration that outlines what you have a right to do as a sports fan:

1) We declare the right to hold our favorite teams and owners accountable if they are expecting us to pay outrageous prices but not willing to put a winning product on the field, diamond, court, or ice. I'm looking at you, NBA teams that intentionally tank for a higher draft pick.

2) We have a right to let our dollars speak elsewhere, this especially goes for alumni of collegiate programs that are not doing right by the students. This is what the athletic director at University of Alabama-Birmingham tried to do in attempting to eliminate football. First and foremost, every attempt should be made to give the students an opportunity to live out their dreams, and not make it strictly a dollars/cents issue.

3) We have a right to let our voices be heard and disagree of the organization's direction, provided it is respectful. Too often local media becomes nothing more than P.R. pieces for the organization, as I experience often living near the Washington, D.C. area. Fans deserve the right to a voice that is not afraid to call out the owners/GMs when they make questionable decisions.

4) We have a right to call out the athletes if they make poor choices, on and off the field. We can judge righteous judgment (John 7:24) as long as we don't call them out by their name, or insult their families. Fans, leave the kids out of it!

5) We have a right to support another organization if the one we currently support does not intend to create a winning culture but focuses more on how much they can gouge the fans out of their money.

Declare your independence today, and have a Happy 4th of July!

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