Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Night Fights

Friday nights across America are filled with the sounds of cheers from fans all over as their favorite high school teams meet on the gridiron in spirited competition. Young athletes compete against their arch rivals to conclude their week, with some dreaming of the day they can play on the collegiate level, or in the case of 1.2%, in the pros.  While high school football can bring a level of passion and excitement among adolescents, when emotions run high it can also lead to everlasting pain, which is what took place a few weeks ago in San Antonio.

The photo above highlights referee Robert Watts, who was blindsided in an attack by two players from John Jay High School. Michael Moreno and Victor Rojas were given instructions by an assistant coach to hit the referee after he missed some calls and, according to the players, used racial slurs directly towards them. The assistant coach, Mack Breed, has been placed on administrative leave. The players are now suspended from the football team, with possible assault charges pending.

This goes beyond whether or not Breed ordered the "Code Red" (go watch "A Few Good Men" for that reference), and it's not about whether or not the referee actually used any epithets. This is about accountability, plain and simple. As a former athlete, I understand that you must follow the direction of the coaches, but only when it's in the best interests of the team. How is any of what these young men have done justified? It is not, and ultimately, the decision to carry out the attack rests on them.

Whether it's government, our occupations, or even with coaches, our first and foremost obligation is to do what is right and just. We are to obey the precepts of God above those of man, and in this instance, there is an accountability that must be upheld, and it is something that the athletes have to comes to understand.

When it comes to making the tough choices in times of high emotion, it is the foundation on what we believe in that will force us to make the right decision, or else.

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