Monday, November 30, 2015

The unbeaten opponent...

Time has a way of letting us know when the end is near. We fight it because we hold on so much to the victories of yesteryear, hoping to get that one last time in the spotlight, or to drink one last time from the cup of victory. I remember watching such legends as Hakeem Olajuwon flailing as a Toronto Raptor, or Karl Malone when he became a Los Angeles Laker, and even more on a local level when I got to see Michael Jordan busting his chin on the court while leading a very young and immature Washington Wizards team. It is always painful to see our favorite legends limp into the sunset in their quest for glory, but I have to say I was pleased to hear that Kobe Bean Bryant announced in the Players Tribune that he's given his all to the sport of basketball and can't give any more.

As he prepares for his retirement this season, I always viewed Bryant as the closest model to MJ, from mannerisms to his cutthroat approach to how he played with teammates, and not always to the Lakers' benefit. Bryant has fought injuries and a team that is in clear rebuilding, but credit to him for coming to the realization that many analysts have seen: there will be no more great moments for him in purple and gold. It is a display of humility for him to admit that he has no more to spend on the court.

The old saying goes, "Father Time is undefeated," and it's for reason. There comes a time in our lives in which we have to realize that we must change. What may have worked yesterday doesn't work today, and if we don't come to that understanding through prayer and wisdom, time and opportunity will pass us by. The late Myles Munroe once said that "the graveyard is littered with books not written". I believe that to be true because we are so desperate to hold on to the past and unwilling to let go and step out in faith.

There is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to cry. I'm sure you've heard that before, whether it was in Ecclesiastes or in the famous song, and the question is: when do you realize that it's your time? Because once it's gone, you can never get it back.

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