Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A second chance to make a first impression...

Remember the last time someone gave you a second chance to get it right? It could be a boss, giving you a chance to re-submit that project, or the wife letting you stop sleeping on the couch after one too many nights out with the boys. Either way, you were very careful about what you said and did, desperate to change the perception, and at no time would you ever mention anything about "the incident" or give others a chance to do the same. Someone should have given that memo to Dallas Cowboys' defensive end Greg Hardy, who is set to return from a year-long suspension on Sunday against the New England Patriots.

Hardy, who was the NFL Defensive Player of the Year in 2013 after registering 15 sacks with the Carolina Panthers, spent 2014 on the Commissioner's Exempt List after his ex-girlfriend accused him of domestic violence and throwing her on a couch covered in guns during an altercation. The charges were dismissed when the accuser did not show up for the hearing. Whether guilty or not, Hardy has developed a reputation for being one of the league's most volatile players, and his recent comments in regards to his return Sunday did little to change those views. According to Brandon George of the Dallas Morning News in an interview, Hardy responded to how long it would take for him to get back into his Pro Bowl shape with: "I hope I come out guns blazing."

Like it or not, life is about perception, and right now Hardy's is one of no contrition, as if his 'Kraken' persona will be enough to make people forget about past transgressions. Does he deserve a second chance? Absolutely, but when we've been forgiven we must do whatever is necessary to make it right. Now, I don't expect him to be a Rhodes Scholar, but at the very least he should be mindful of why he spent the past 19 games away from the gridiron. He should have a conversation with Michael Vick about how to take advantage of another opportunity to live out his dream, before it's taken away from him again, this time permanently.

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