Wednesday, October 14, 2015

We're all going to go through it one day...

A few years ago, while Lamar Odom was being interviewed by CBS' Ken Berger, he was asked about how he was able to overcome dealing with such adversity. Here was Odom's response to Berger:

"Jesus went through a lot," he said. "This is easy for me, you know what I'm saying? Basketball?"
"He didn't have your handle," I said.
Odom appreciated the joke, and didn't miss a beat.
"No, he didn't," he said with a smile. "No, he had his hands around the world. But we all go through a lot. We're all going to go through it one day."
Right now he's going through another difficult obstacle, and while no one knows what will happen, one thing is for sure, it's tough to see this happen to someone who has a well-known reputation for being one of the NBA's nicer guys. I've read his background of how he lost his mother at 12 and his son to sudden infant death syndrome, two years to the day after losing his grandmother, who had raised him during his early years. He persevered to become one of the league's best jack-of-all-trades players who was always in demand for his skills. 
This isn't about what took place in Nevada, or to bring condemnation on any of his previous decisions. It's about what he said in the interview. Like it or not, we are all going to have to go through it one day. The question is, what will you do when "it" happens?  The money, the skills, the accolades, none of that will help sustain you as a Christ-centered foundation rooted in God's Word. I don't know if Odom has a personal relationship with Jesus, but my prayer is that in whatever condition he's in, he will come to know Him. 
If there is one lesson to take from Lamar Odom's life, it's that being knocked down is only one part of the equation. The other part is how quickly we get back up. We are all rooting for him to get back up.

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