Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Leave it to chance...

2.5 grams of celluloid....

That is what will determine the future of 14 cities and the fate of many young men as the NBA Draft Lottery take place tonight. However the ping-pong balls of destiny bounce, it will direct how legendary franchises such as the Philadelphia 76ers (who are experts at this by now) and the Los Angeles Lakers have to move forward after very disappointing seasons. For teams such as Utah and Minnesota, tonight will be more about taking that final step towards becoming contenders in the postseason. For some, Christmas will come in May and for others, heartbreak at the realization that they are forced to wallow in the mire.

But should it? No, this isn't a referendum on changing the lottery process. I've never been a believer in the whole "lottery is rigged" campaign. Now, I would propose that to make it even more enticing, show the actual process of picking the balls out of the container on live TV, similar to those lotteries you see on the local evening news. If you are in Los Angeles or Sacramento, wouldn't you be glued to the TV set wondering if you are getting Ben Simmons or Brandon Ingram by the bounce of the ball?

That being said, many teams look to the draft as a life preserver for failed decisions of the past and developing a culture of losing. Take the Timberwolves for instance. This is their 12th year in the lottery, and they are just now getting top level talent that can eventually result in playoff appearances. The 76ers have embraced losing like a fine cologne, yet whomever goes to the City of Brotherly Love will find themselves wrapped with 20 year olds who are a boat with no rudder. Acquiring talent is one thing, developing them into winners is another thing all together.

I'm not against tanking, sometimes it takes a scorched earth process in order to eventually grow. However, if you have poor leadership at the top, it won't matter who you select at #1. Shaquille O' Neal didn't leave Orlando because he wanted to do movies in Tinseltown; he left because of weak-kneed management who didn't place the right people in place over the organization. There's a reason Tim Duncan spurned Florida to remain in San Antonio; the culture established by Gregg Popovich encouraged him to stay there.

The point is, too many of the teams vying to turn it around overnight are like the man who never maximizes his 401k, or the fool who parts from his money on fast cars and fast food. Those are the ones you find at the 7-11 scratching off tickets in hopes of making it big in one fell swoop. The people who you find obsessing over Powerball are the same ones who never bothered to be wise stewards of their finances, or never develop their skills to become valuable in the job market.  Ever see that show "The Lottery Ruined My Life?" those people are similar to the teams who got the #1 pick but draft Kwame Brown (sorry Wizards fans).

So to you Lakers fans who think getting Ben Simmons will be the cure-all, just remember that euphoria will disappear when you realize who you have running your culture. A person who trusts in a Lucky 7 or thinks a weekend trip to roll the bones in Vegas is a person who has no lasting foundation, no matter what riches may befall you. Wealth is nothing without the character to maintain it.

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