Monday, May 2, 2016

So you're saying there's a chance...?

They say that luck is simply when preparation meets opportunity. For years former New York Knicks great Patrick Ewing has bided his time, preparing himself as an assistant coach, most recently with the Charlotte Hornets. Despite receiving adulation for his dedication to this craft, he never could receive the opportunity to prove himself at the next level and coach his own team. News came out over the weekend that he will finally get his chance by interviewing for the Sacramento Kings position. Although we don't know whether or not the "Madison Square Guardian" will get the job, this could open the door for other owners around the league to finally take another look at Ewing.

He is a testament to perseverance, never one to make his lack of opportunities a public issue. Even when he did not even receive consideration for the vacant job with his beloved Knicks (probably because deep down Phil "Big Chief Triangle" wants the job for himself) he didn't make it about himself, he just went back to work. While the NBA coaching carousel usually becomes nothing more than retreads getting hired over and over (looking at you, Sam Mitchell!) it takes an owner or GM with the foresight to think outside the box and give guys like Ewing their opportunity to show what they are made of.

There's a prevailing thought that big guys don't make great coaches; Kevin McHale would like to have a word about that. However, in recent years we have seen coaches like former Detroit Piston great Bill Laimbeer win multiple WNBA titles, and Ewing would be a great mentor to the enigmatic DeMarcus Cousins. This isn't about an endorsement, but about providing people opportunities who are hungry to prove themselves.

Sometimes it takes a fresh vision to provide stability, and if Ewing gets the position, he could be the stability that this woebegone franchise desperately needs.

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