At approximately 12:01 AM more than 120 players in the NBA will become either free agents or restricted free agents, the second term meaning that their current team can match any deal they are offered. Often this is one of the biggest moments of any offseason in sports because of the fact that even just the arrival of one player can turn a franchise's hopes around, just look at what happened when LeBron James returned to Cleveland (not to mention what happened when he first left). For some guys, it's an opportunity to begin anew, and for others it's a chance to continue something special where they are currently planted.
For those who have the freedom to go wherever they wish, a number of factors always comes into play. Some choose to go because of the amount of money they can receive, for others, it's a chance to finally get over the hump and win a title. Regardless of their choice, their arrival can impact not only the team they join, but the one they left.
We all have those situations in life where we face a difficult choice. It could be a career change, a move to another area, or in some cases, a relationship. You've heard the old saying, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread," that's often because we make choices in life without counting the costs. Do we look at what we are sometimes giving up because the grass looks greener on the other side? If we aren't careful, the end result of making the wrong choice costs more in the long run than we ever wanted to pay.
This is why it's always wise to take time to see the big picture and not the immediate gains when making life choices. Consult the wisdom of those who have ventured before you, and of those who you trust have your best interests at heart. You might find that the best choices are the ones we don't make.
Here's hoping that each of these players have taken the time to count the cost before making a choice that will impact possibly the prime of their lives. Here's also hoping that no one decides to make their decision on a prime time television show.