Thursday, June 4, 2015

Dear NBA Fan...

Every so often I believe that instead of making a statement to the general audience in these blogs, a simple letter will suffice. In this instance, a letter to a particular group of people who sometimes misses the bigger picture, or in today's case, the smaller one. Consider it a modern day "Dear John" composition...

Dear NBA Fan,

I know that after what seemed for like an eternity that the NBA Finals takes place this evening out in Oakland. Over the past several days you have seen non-stop analysis and the breaking down of everything except which ticket ushers sport the best outfits. At this rate if I hear one more story about Riley Curry showing up at the post-game presser...but I digress.

Yes, I understand that you are all excited to see which superstar is going to come out on top. If it's Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors (who I'm picking btw) you all have your memes in queue about how LeBron James came up short yet again. If it's Cleveland I'm sure you are all set to (reluctantly) praise Cavaliers' owner Dan Gilbert for somehow pulling this all off and ready to label the Warriors as choke artists. Should the Cavs win, I'm sure ESPN will have weeks and weeks of photos showing Cleveland fans finally at peace that their city won a title.

However, I'd like for you to take a look at what will be the major reasons either team has a chance to win the Larry O' Brien trophy. Those reasons are: Festus Ezeli, Shaun Livingston, and Matthew Dellavedova. If these guys don't exactly ring a bell to all of you casual fans, I ask you hearken back to yesteryear to names like John Paxson, Avery Johnson, and Kenny Smith (the last one of TNT and reality show fame). These guys were central figures in helping Michael Jordan, Tim Duncan, and Hakeem Olajuwon in winning championships, yet how often do they get mentioned as playing such a pivotal role?

Yes, we know that it's the stars that get all of the glory and commercial fame when their teams win it all, but for all of you who are going out on your local blacktop and shouting "Curry" every time you jack up a 3 pointer, I wonder how often you think about the role that the lesser known players have in helping these guys accomplish their penultimate goals? I'm a basketball coach, and I've yet to hear one of my players yell out "Shumpert" when making a shot. Yet I tell them after each successful play, make sure you tell that teammate who made the pick for you 'Thanks' or the guy who hustled for the loose ball on the floor while you were running around looking to get open.

Do we ever take the time to think about those who may not have a glamorous role yet play an vital role in the success of the overall operation? Have you thanked that janitor that always makes sure your office is clean, or that overworked and underpaid assistant who stays late to make sure your presentation is successful the next day? I'm reminded of what it says in 1 Corinthians 12:12 "The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ."  Each of us has a role to play, and instead of worrying about someone else's role, let us focus on our own, that God may be glorified.

To the NBA fan who thinks it was Jordan alone who won those titles, where would he be without Paxson, Steve Kerr, Trent Tucker, and Bill Wennington among others? A guy who scored a lot of points but had no rings to show for it. Everyone has to play their part in life so that the goal can be reached, and I hope you take a more sincere look at those guys who aren't looking to fill up the scoreboard, but making sure they do their job so that the stars to theirs.

Maybe, just maybe, my fellow NBA fan, one day you go onto the court, hear someone make a pick, and yell out the words "Mozgov!"

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