Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Real value...

Last night the Golden State Warriors defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers to win the 2015 NBA championship for the first time in 39 years, yet the majority of the post-game conversation centered around who would win the Finals Most Valuable Player. Would it be LeBron James, who led all players in points, rebounds and assists? Or would it be regular season MVP Stephen Curry, who led the Warriors to the title despite not having a very great series?

The MVP award went to Andre Iguodala, who did not start a game all season until Game 4 of the Finals. He brought a myriad of skills that helped the Warriors win the penultimate prize, but it was something more that he represented to this series: his value. The ongoing debate about who would win the award almost became bigger than the winner of the championship. The question at hand was who best represented value to the overall goal?

To many, value has been defined by statistics and results. Men are quick to size one another up, focusing more on what another man does for his occupation and the amount of his net worth as opposed to how he is as a father, a husband, or friend. Women find value in the clothes they wear, or the shoes they walk in, or even the person they're dating. Often their definition of value becomes based on superficial and artificial accomplishments.

Real value is based upon our character. My father always tells me, "Integrity is who you are when no one's looking." It's being able to enjoy the little things in life. Do you value the words of a loved one, or just being in the presence of friends? When's the last time you valued a good night's rest, or took the time to value a nice walk on a beautiful sunny day with your significant other?

Value is what brings true peace of mind, something that cannot be quantified in dollars and cents. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Discover what is truly valuable to you, and it will bring an unspeakable joy.

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