Thursday, June 11, 2015

He's got a plan, you know...

This is Chuck Pagano, head coach of the Indianapolis Colts. Many of you may remember him from his first season under the headset in 2012 as he battled leukemia in the fall, which prompted the popular #Chuckstrong hashtag in showing support. Later that year the cancer went into remission and since then he has used that experience to help others. The latest example of that assistance took place yesterday at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

Rita Hay, who is 70 and has been diagnosed with liver and lung cancer, was given six months to live by her doctors. One of her final wishes was to visit the inside of the stadium, and through the help of Indianapolis Star reporter Bob Kravitz, Hay was able to visit the facility while the Colts were having open workouts. Along with her family, she was able to meet players such as Andrew Luck, but it was when Pagano arrived that a very special conversation took place. For full details visit the following link:

Below is an excerpt of the conversation. (credit: Bob Kravitz, Indianapolis Star)

"Oh, there's Chuck Pagano, there's Chuck Pagano!" Rita said.

Pagano leaned over Rita in her wheelchair, smiled.

"How you doing, baby?" he asked. "How you doing?"

"Oh," she said like a young schoolgirl. "I'm doing OK. I'm in Stage Four."

"He's got a plan, you know," Pagano said.

Rita nodded. "I know He does."

Pagano continued: Never give up, keep believing. I didn't know why when I got my set of circumstances, didn't know why He put me where He put me. But going through it and seeing where I am now, I understand it. I completely understand it. So that I could do this and help people going through tough times. ... You're an inspiration to all of us, Rita."

We all experience some rough patches in our lives. It could be the loss of loved one, an illness, loss of job, or a myriad of issues. However, we have to be reminded that in those circumstances we are given strength by God, and faith in God, to endure through those rough times. Is life fair? No, but it was never meant to be. However, that doesn't mean that bad times last forever. It becomes a test of faith and we have to remember that it is always darkest before the dawn.

Pagano's and Hay's respective battles are tremendous but they both understand that He's got a plan. If we hold true to that understanding then our own personal tests will become a testimony. The testimony will be not just overcoming the trial, but of the one who brings us out of it.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

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