Sunday, February 4, 2018

Philadelphia Pride

It wasn't supposed to be like this...

Nicholas Edward Foles was supposed to be retired by now, perhaps off being a pastor of a church, or maybe coaching high school football. His career highlight was supposed to be best remembered for having that incredible 27 TD 2 INT season in 2013 under former Philadelphia Eagles coach Chip Kelly. He was supposed to be a perennial backup at this point in his career. Then again, Trent Green was never supposed to go down in 1999, paving the way for Kurt Warner and the "Greatest Show on Turf," or Mo Lewis was never supposed to hit Drew Bledsoe, paving the way for some guy named Tom Brady.

Then again, much like life, sports never follows the script. The Eagles were the class of the NFC, but when franchise QB Carson Wentz went down with a torn ACL, there was no way Nick Foles was supposed to win against Atlanta (much to my chagrin), or defeat Minnesota (especially considering the Vikings would have had a virtual home game for the Super Bowl). There was NO WAY they should have taken on the G.O.A.T and won a staredown with the mind of Belichick.

However, here they are, and though we could explore the different moves made by this organization, at the end of the day, it came down to a "backup" QB who did not blink when the lights were brightest. This happened last month with Alabama with a true freshman quarterback thrown in the last minute, and what we are seeing is the end result of perseverance, when we never give up on the dream.

Psalm 121 says, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from which comes my help." Each of us reach that point when we don't know where the next step will be. That's when we need to look to something greater than ourselves. It takes a great level of faith to do what seems impossible, but it can be done.

The City of Brotherly Love is about to be lit, let's hope those light poles remain lit after tonight...

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