Monday, February 19, 2018

When Fans Become Fanatics

This is why LeBron cannot just "Shut Up and Dribble."

Not when, during the NHL's promotion of "Hockey is for Everyone" month, one of its players is subjected to racially-charged taunts in the middle of a game. Not when, as Washington Capitals forward Devante Smith-Pelly told the press afterwards, "it's really lonely."

As sports fans who pay the exuberant ticket prices, we do have rights. We have rights to cheer, to boo, to put up crazy signs to distract the free throw shooter. We can yell out "Darryl" or "Who's Your Daddy?" and see if our most hated opponents can handle the chants.

What we cannot do, however, is display the horrific behavior that took place in Chicago on Saturday night, when fans began chanting "basketball" at Smith-Pelly. Fortunately they were removed from the stadium (and hopefully banned) but for anyone to have to deal with these types of disgusting taunts show that there are still some fans in 2018 who refuse to grow up.

Athletes are human too, and in spite of the incredible feats of strength, speed, and agility they display on a daily basis, we tend to forget that. They bleed just like we do, and deserve the same respect. What we have seen in today's social climate is nothing new under the sun. This is the same type of disrespect that black athletes received back when Willie 'O Ree was integrating hockey on the ice, or Jackie Robinson on the diamond.

However, some fans take it upon them to disgrace themselves and for what? It's one thing to get under another person's skin with a good nature ribbing, but to intentionally go after their culture and attack them is another. It's a line that cannot be crossed; and it seems that people forget those lines and decide it's OK. I understand that there is no way to legislate morality, but in each of us there should be some level of human decency to just allow people to enjoy the game, and for those who dedicate their lives to playing it at the highest level, to do what they do best.

Sure the Capitals lost the game 7-1, but it was those fanatics that were the biggest losers of all.

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